President: Monica Flory
Treasurer: Patti Byers
Secretary/Membership Chair: Maria Mallory
Event Chair: Kathy Smithers
Social Media Chair: Jennifer Coop
Natalie Byers, Heidi Favour, Robin Hansen,
Shery Jorgensen, Kim Morneau,
Kimberly Rowley, Patty Shinstrom,
Chalene Thompson, Lisa Zahnle
Eastside Friends for Children's Guild was established in 2001 and has raised over 1.5 million dollars for Seattle Children's Hospital. Eastside Friends is one of many guilds that supports Seattle Children’s Hospital and the uncompensated care program. Thanks to uncompensated care, every child receives top-notch care, regardless of the family’s ability to pay.
New members are always welcome to join Eastside Friends for Children's. Our guild is looking for people who are passionate about Seattle Children's Hospital and have a desire to help those in need.
Eastside Friends for Children's Guild would love to have more community sponsors to help underwrite the cost of our annual fundraiser, Black and Bling.
Diamond Level Sponsor - $2500
· Prominent placement of logo on all event materials and media
· Verbal recognition during live auction
· Four Black and Bling tickets
Emerald Level Sponsor - $1500
· Inclusion of logo on all event materials and media
· Verbal recognition during live auction
· Two Black and Bling tickets
Ruby Level Sponsor - $500
· Inclusion of logo on all event materials and media
· Verbal recognition during live auction